Empty: Thoughts On Resurrection

This week I'll be preaching a different sort of sermon. The text that I'll be preaching from is John 20:1 -18, which you can read by clicking here. I realized something this week when I was talking to my son about why I believe in God. Yes. I do that. It's a pastor thing, you wouldn't understand. Here's what I realized. On Easter Sunday morning there will be probably 300 people in worship at my church---most who don't attend church all that regularly, and some not at all. Then there are my regulars, who would have been their regardless of the day, but are even more fully present because it's a Christian High Holy Day and all that. Interestingly, they all fully expect me to read the Resurrection story from the Scripture and then expound on it, say a few hopeful things and then get them out the door in time to make their lunch reservations. Then I started thinking about this... Out of all of those people---the occasional, hardly ever and ...