If Grace Is An Ocean, We're All Sinking

There was a fatal car accident in our town over the weekend. A lady and her nine year-old grand daughter were sitting at a stop light when a car driving the opposite direction, lost control and struck them. The grandmother was killed instantly, and the little girl died later in the hospital. My wife texted me this morning with these words. "[She was] just sitting there minding her own business... That quick one of us could be gone." I've been thinking about her words all morning, and about a conversation I had with one of our church's elders yesterday. "Where is God when bad things happen?" I've written about this pretty extensively over the past year, but it bears repeating that I believe God is in the midst of our suffering, with us in the moments of pain, tragedy and heartache--just as I believe God is with us in our moments of triumph, joy, happiness and success. In Isaiah 57:15, the prophet speaks the words of God to Go...