Reject Religion, Embrace Jesus

Several years ago, both I and my marketing staff person came up with a provocative billboard idea for the church we were serving at the time. The artwork was big, bold and quickly attracted attention. In huge letters, it read: Reject Religion. Embrace Jesus. The church logo and phone number were right below. Some of the more traditionally-minded members of the church were appalled at the message and didn't hesitate to tell me so through angry emails, phone calls and even in person. I told all of them the same thing: Jesus didn't come to start a religion, Jesus came to start a revolution. In fact, the people Jesus railed against the most were the overly-religious people who hid behind traditions, rules, and regulations instead of engaging the world with the love of God. And it was the religious people of his day that unjustly tried Jesus in a rigged trial, and had him executed. In his poem To The Christians,...