Daily Devotion - Thursday, December 31, 2015

T his week for our Daily Devotions, we'll be focusing on the coming of a new year, and what it means to be given a fresh start, a second chance and another opportunity to become the people that God has always dreamed for us to become. The book is called Opportunity it's first chapter is New Year's Day - Edith Lovejoy Pierce Several years ago, I saw a billboard for an attorney's office that was extolling the virtues of bankruptcy at the onset of a new year. It displayed a huge photo of a video game console and posed the following question below the photo in large letters: "Don't you wish life had a reset button? It does." On the surface it seems like a pretty good idea if, when things started to go poorly, you could just push the reset button on life like you can on a video game. But would it, really? What if all of our mistakes, missteps, and misdeeds were actually part of our journey? What if all of t...