The Core - Week One: "True Worship"

This week we'll be launching a new sermon series that will take us all the way through the month of June--and will be re-exploring the core values of our church. We imaginatively named this sermon series, "The Core" because we are (as I stated earlier) re-exploring our church's core values: Worship, Pray, Grow, Love and Serve. But there's another, more important reason why we chose this particular name, a reason that reflects the overall theme of our re-exploration: Atoms. Let me explain. You are unbelievable. Let me tell you some facts about you. [the following is liberally borrowed from Rob Bell 's "What We Talk About When We Talk About God "] You lose fifty to a hundred and fifty strands of hair a day... you shed ten billion flakes of skin a day... every twenty eight days you get completely new skin, and every nine years your entire body is renewed. And in the middle of all of this shedding, renewing and changing your body co...