Bless This Home - Week 3: "Persecuted"

This week we are concluding the three-part sermon series, "Bless This Home: Lessons for Families from Jesus ." We've been guided by some of the very words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount : three short passages found in Matthew chapter 5. Over the past couple of weeks we've been highlighting the difference between having a "Christian" home as opposed to having a " Christ -centered" home. In todays culture, it's easy to let the word "Christian" trip off of our tongues when we describe ourselves or our family life. But what we've come to understand is that the word "Christian" doesn't always have the most positive connotations for emerging generations of people in our culture. Far too many people equate being Christian with bigotry, intolerance, judgement and a holier-than-thou attitude. We've been trying to reframe the conversation a bit by highlighting the differences between merely saying that yo...