Prayer - Week Four: "When Do I Pray?"

When I was a kid I thought that the only way you could really pray properly was if you were kneeling with your eyes closed and had your hands folded in front of you. I guess I got this impression by watching people in the churches we went to when I was growing up. Sometimes when we would pray for things at home, my parents and I would kneel in the living room, by our bed or in front of a chair, depending on where the prayer happened to be taking place. There's probably something to this that I am totally missing. Lots of people feel the urge to kneel when they pray, and I am totally supportive of them when they do. If keeling to pray works for you, then go for it. The problem I have when I kneel to pray is that I tend to fall asleep. I realize this probably makes me a bad Christian or something, but there you go. It's uncanny. As soon as my knees hit the floor and I place my head upon the bed, couch, chair, pew or whateve...