Jim & Casper Go To Church: Book Review

In the early 2000's Jim Henderson , a former pastor and newly minted church consultant,"bought" an atheist off of E-Bay for $504, and put him to work. The atheist, a young man named Hemant Mehta , had been looking for a fun way to show Christians that he could attend church with an open mind, and was willing to allow Christians to give him their best shot at converting him. Henderson won the bid, and sent Mehta out to start visiting churches with the assignment of reporting what he experienced. The result spawned a website, discussion groups, stories by the Wall Street Journal and much more. In 2006, Henderson met Matt Casper, a marketing copywriter and freelance writer and singer/songwriter, who lived in San Diego. Casper also happened to be an atheist. The two became friends and decided to write a book together as they visited churches all across America--documenting their dialogue and their experiences. They agreed to be as open and honest with one...