Your God-Given, Creative DNA

In his book Finding God in Unexpected Places, Philip Yancey writes about encountering a remarkable woman in South Africa, who started a ministry in one of the most violent prisons in the country. She started small group Bible studies, did counseling, started group therapy sessions and much more. In one year, the prison went from 279 reported acts of violence down to 2. Yancey asked her how she was able to accomplish such an incredible task. She told him that God was already present in the prison, she just needed to help reveal his presence to the inmates. I think the dominant understanding of God in Christian culture needs some work. The fact of the matter is, God is present in all things, in all spaces, in all times. I have come to believe that God is the very "ground of our being," as some theologians have offered. But most of us struggle to experience God because we've been taught that God is high in his holy temple, removed from ...