Is God Really "Up There?"

If you were somehow able to time travel to 1974 and drop into the Fairfield Road Baptist Church in Greenville, SC around the Sunday school hour, you would have found six-year-old Leon in a tiny classroom in the church basement staring critically at a flannelgraph board. Flannelgraph was the go-to teaching aid for generations of kids in the 50's, 60's and 70's. We didn't have videos back then. We barely had running water and electricity. [That last bit was for anyone who might have been reading this, who said: "Man, Leon is old ." Whatever man.] So let's imagine that you asked the six-year-olds in my classroom the following question: "Where is God?" How do you think that they would respond? Most likely they would raise their arms, and point to the sky. "Up there." It's interesting that those first impulses we have about the otherness of God are so often informed by the idea of distance. In other words, God is far...