Risen Week 4 - "Cornerstone"

This week we are concluding the sermon series that we've been working on for the past several weeks--a sermon series entitled, "Risen." We've been struggling with an important question each week during this series--a question that anyone who calls themselves a follower of Christ needs to be answering on a daily basis. Here's the question: "Jesus is risen... now what?" Do we celebrate Easter as a one off event, and then just go back to business as usual for the rest of the year? Or is there something more? What does it mean that Jesus is risen? What does it mean for you and me? For the church? For all of Creation? This has been at the heart of our study for the past month--a study that we're going to conclude today. I'm actually going to go directly to our text this morning. So if you have your Bibles, go ahead and open them to Acts 4:5-12. This story is actually the continuation of the story we explored last ...