The Good You Do

As part of my daily reading this morning, I happened upon a short testimonial by a pastor, who declared that Mondays "were the worst." This pastor confessed that on Mondays, he would wonder how his sermon had been received, what he could have done better, how the worship service could have been improved, etc. Then he would move on to whether anything he had done had made any difference at all. "The tricky part," he declared, "is that more often than not, the results of our efforts are not visible." I have to admit, there are some Mondays when I find myself wondering the same things as that pastor. And while most of it is a desire on my part to develop better skills, sometimes self-doubt creeps its way into the mix. But then again, pastors don't have a corner on the market on wondering whether their efforts to do good and change lives are having an effect or not. All of us deal with this to some extent. Let's...