Pentecost 2020

Today is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Church. This is the day that the Church Universal acknowledges the events that took place in Acts chapter 2 when a few frightened followers of Jesus who were shut up in the same house together, wondering what they were supposed to do next were suddenly lit on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit. That fire seemed to descend upon them and burned so bright within them that they took the Church outside of those walls and into the city where eventually 3,000 people who had come to Jerusalem for the Feast of Shavuot became followers of Jesus. This is the story that we tell each and every Pentecost Sunday. And generally, I would be preaching directly from that passage as I have done each year for virtually all of the years I've been preaching. But not this year. This year is different. This year we'll be hearing a different story... which is fitting bec...