Moving Beyond Stereotypes

Some of the most beautiful and awful aspects of being human are discovered in the frail and finite ways that we interact with one another. There is beauty to be found in the mystery of another human being--mystery that is contained behind the facade of a smile, an imperceptible nod or blush. We've all had those moments when we think we know someone, but then they surprise us with their wonderful secrets and closely held bright thoughts and ideas, and we realize (to our delight) we never really knew them at all. But there is something awful in this frailty, too. More often than not we never try to look beyond the surface, and tend to believe the worst about a person before getting to know them properly. We also assume things about one another based on appearance, class, religion, gender and so many other cultural identifiers without critique, without any thought to how our stereotyping might be dead wrong. For those of us who follow J...