Jesus And We - Week 1: Faith Filled, Big Thinking

There's a huge problem brewing in the Church in America. And when I say this, many of you are going to assume that what I'm talking about is what the dominant Christian voices in our culture have identified as the huge problem in the Church in America--that far too many churches have begun to resemble the culture that surrounds them. When I was growing up in conservative, evangelical communities of faith we called this, "Compromising," or "Looking too much like the world." Mind you, this was directed at things like women wearing pants, listening to rock and or roll music, watching the "devil box," commonly known as TV... stuff like that. Come to think of it, not that much has changed--except the things that are now being called out by the dominant Christian voices in our culture are just different sets of sins and transgressions. Strangely, I actually agree with the assessment that many evangelical Christian leaders have level...