Co-Creators With God

One of the more fascinating aspects of Christian theology is how human beings are meant to be co-creators with God. From my experience, when I talk about this concept in sermons, classes, or even in spaces like this, some folks are puzzled by it. Thinking about this notion can feel jarring if you were taught that God created the universe in six days and rested with everything completed. This is what I was taught to believe in Sunday school, youth group, and the Christian schools I attended in my youth. I was taught the "Young Earth" theory, which meant that the universe, including Earth, was only 6,000 years old. The first humans, I was told, were created as adults and were fully capable in the areas of language, art, music, the ability to farm and have herds of already domesticated animals, etc. The answers were ridiculous when I asked questions about things that troubled me. What about dinosaurs? Pshaw! They...