You Are Seen

The other day I was feeling a bit like all my efforts to write, create and then send that work out into the universe had become nothing more than an exercise in whistling in the dark. I wasn't feeling sorry enough for myself to actually believe that there weren't people who were resonating with what I'd shared... but I wondered if it was really making any difference at all. Then I had this conversation with God, first in my head and then out loud... Me: "So what's the point to all of this? Nothing I do really matters anyway." Still Me: "There is no point, right? It's all absurd. I feel like I'm wasting my time." Also Me: "I'm tired. I'm tired of trying to explain away all of this struggle. I'm tired because I don't know what to say half of the time, and when I do I don't even know if I can believe what I'm saying." Me (Again): "So... am I making any difference at all? Is there a point?" ...