The Elijah Chronicles - Chapter Three: "In The Silence"

This week we'll be concluding the sermon series "The Elijah Chronicles," a series where we re-imagined the story of the prophet Elijah as though it were set in a post-apocalyptic future. The world is desolate in our story. There is an evil king, a military dictator if you will, who is persecuting those who worship God and advocating the worship of idols instead. There is a remnant, a small group that refuses to give in---the Resistance. When we last saw Elijah, he had just experienced the most incredible victory of his life---the defeat of the prophets of Baal, the false god that the wicked king Ahab and his detestable wife Jezebel were forcing the people of Israel to worship. God had sent fire from heaven to demonstrate his power, and his continued relationship with the Hebrew people , and the story ended with the people crying out "The Lord is God!" before executing all the evil prophets of Baal. It was a huge win for the Resistance, and for Eli...