Advent Conspiracy Week One

I was at my local neighborhood Walmart yesterday. I hate my local Walmart. It's dirty, unkempt, it smells funny and--depending on when you go in there--full of the walking dead. If you don't believe me, check out this website dedicated to the people who shop at Walmart. If you find yourself on the website... I am sorry on a bunch of levels. Anyway... I was at the Walmart to retrieve a cake that my wife had ordered. I keep telling her not to shop at Walmart, but she continues to be seduced by the low prices, and since she can send me into the bowels of the beast without having to do it herself, she doesn't listen to me. So, I was strolling into the Walmart with a score or so of other people who all looked like extras in the movie "Zombieland," and I saw the sign to the right hanging from the ceiling. "Save money. Live better. I have to say that I am encouraged to see that Walmart is so concerned for my welfare that it decided t...