Burning the Q'ran: An Excuse for Bloodshed?

If you have been watching the news lately, you may have seen that nearly forty people have died in Afghanistan as a direct result of an accidental burning of some copies of the Muslim holy book, the Qu'ran--including 4 Americans, who were murdered in cold blood in supposed "safe" zones. There have been riots throughout the country in retaliation, and several bombings by the Taliban, who are using this to their own advantage. U.S. soldiers burned the copies because they contained radical messages written by inmates of a detention center. The copies of the Qur'an were being used by the inmates to communicate with one another. Hence, their disposal. President Obama has issued an official apology, which was read publicly by the Afghan president. But since Afghanistan is a largely illiterate country, with little or no mass media---no one got the memo that we're sorry. Many people, including a number of Christians, were angered that our President would apol...