Who Is This Man? - The Worst First Sermon Ever. Pt.1

My first sermon was epic. And when I say "epic," what I really mean is "not epic," but I like to pretend--especially in this moment--that it was epic in the regular sense of the word. But it wasn't. I actually cannot for the life of me remember what I preached. I didn't write it down anywhere, and there are no recordings that exist of the event. There was a video recording, however, which shall factor into this story momentarily, but that, too, went the way of the dodo at some point. A fact that I do not lament in the least. When I preached the aforementioned sermon I was filling the pulpit after the departure of my pastor and mentor, who had served the church for 17 years, three of which I was privileged to experience. He was a kind and intelligent man, who could read in German, Greek probably Hebrew and of course had a command of English that was fairly impressive. He read his sermons from a manuscript, though, anchored behind the pulpit--...