The Question (Why) That Never Goes Away: A Book Review

It's been quite a long time since I have been able to both read and reflect on books that I wasn't required to read for a seminar, my doctoral project or for other assorted higher learning purposes. But since that chapter is coming to a close, I want to renew that practice and share those thoughts here at presbymusings.

There is a reason why Philip Yancey sells so many books.  He writes about things that matter to people, and he does it extraordinarily well.  Yancey's classic book Where is God When It Hurts? was written over twenty years ago, and it is still relevant today.  But since Yancey wrote Where Is God When It Hurts? the world has endured a great deal of tragedy: 9/11, Tsunami's in Indonesia and Japan, school shootings in Newtown Connecticut, shootings in Aurora, CO and a host of other tragedies both naturally occurring and man-made.  In Yancey's estimation, the questions that he struggled with over twenty years ago, have not gone away.

In his latest book, The Question That Never Goes Away, Yancey explores the themes he wrote about twenty years ago, in light of these new tragedies--telling stories of his own involvement in the aftermath of many of these events in his trademark, engaging way.

It has been a long time since I have read a book that moved me as much as The Question.  Yancey has a way of presenting the deep, theological questions that surround issues of good & evil, questions on the existence of God, the sovereignty of God and the presence of Christ in the world in a way that is easy to grasp, comforting and full of humility and grace.  Reading his books is like hearing from a very wise, old friend.

Yancey doesn't pretend to have all of the answers when it comes to finding God in the midst of tragedy.  But he does know that God is always present in the midst of tragedy, and suffers with those who are suffering because of it.

If you have ever experienced tragedy or grief in your life---or perhaps you wonder how a "good God" could allow horrible things to happen in the world--you need to read this book.  I highly recommend it.
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