Times Like These
I'm going to tell you the story of a song today---maybe one of the greatest songs ever written. You can debate me on that last statement, but you won't change my mind.
The song is "Times Like These," written by Dave Grohl, and performed by his band Foo Fighters on their album One by One.
Grohl wrote the song when the band was on hiatus after a contentious attempt at recording an album together resulted in the members wanting nothing to do with one another for a while.
It was during the months-long hiatus that Grohl wrote the song, that included these amazing lyrics in the chorus:
It’s times like these you learn to live again
It’s times like these you give and give again
It’s times like these you learn to love again
It’s times like these time and time again
At the time, Grohl said it was the best song that he'd ever written--a song grounded in "hope, compassion, and love." It became a huge hit for the band and is easily one of the highlights of their live shows.
Recently, Foo Fighters were asked to perform the song at an event honoring educators, hosted by the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden.
Grohl's mom was a teacher, and so he had this to say after the band was introduced by Mackenzie Adams, a Washington area elementary school teacher:
“This year our teachers were faced with unprecedented challenges, but through dedication and creativity, they faced those challenges head-on. So this next song is for Mackenzie and all of our unshakable teachers that enlighten our nation’s kids every day.”
It's amazing how a simple pop song can transcend the moment it was written and can be so meaningful in so many other moments. Grohl wrote the song during a time of isolation and disconnection, which is most likely why it resonates with so many people right now.
But Grohl realized in the midst of that season of challenge that there was more to life than being right. He realized that finding true community with people you care about takes work.
He also realized that expressing hope, compassion, and love were the keys to living life to the fullest.
There's so much here that should speak to those of us who call ourselves Christians.
Think about this: Our sacred texts are full of beautiful words, inspiring, challenging, and encouraging passages. There are so many messages of inclusion, acceptance, grace, and forgiveness that should fill us with hope and inspire us to be more compassionate and loving.
But we tend to spend far too much time misinterpreting or twisting the Bible into messages that divide, exclude, and alienate others. We lack compassion. We withhold love.
We can do better--we have to.
Let the world see the light of Christ that is within you---a light that enables you to show others how following Jesus is a world-changing, transformative, and hope-filled way to live.
Spread the news that in times like these, it's the inspiring example of Jesus that gives you the courage to live, give and love.
May it be so, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.
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