Living Without a Plan B

I'm not a huge fan of Plan B.

And what I mean by this is that I tend to enter into decisions, tasks, projects, new initiatives, changes and transformation without spending a lot of time pondering the implications of failure. 

So, Plan B?  I don't want to think about it.  There is only Plan A. 

What happens if Plan A doesn't work, you ask?  I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  Because for right now--I just want to bend all of my will and energy to making Plan A work. 

You with me?  Come on, let's do this! [charges out of the room]

The reality is that sometimes Plan A doesn't pan out.  I know that from past experiences.  So there have been times when Plan A failed, and I didn't really have a Plan B... because I was too busy trying to make Plan A succeed.

Fortunately, I'm blessed with some awesome people in my life who typically have already worked out Plan B---mostly because they knew they'd better because I wasn't going to do it. 

Here's the thing, I know that I need to work harder at planning ahead of time about the possibility of Plan A not panning out.  I know that I need to be more proactive about having a Plan B.   But...

Part of the reason why I hold on to my familiar (and often maddening) way of doing things is because I don't want to lose the courage to try new things, make bold decisions, attempt something crazy, be more creative...

Bob Goff is one of my favorite authors/speakers, and he had this to say about being unafraid to step into the new:
I'd rather have a couple of ideas fail than a faith that won't try. 
I love that quote.  It reminds me of Vikings.  

It's long been noted that one of the many ways that the Vikings, who marauded the coastal areas of Europe, ensured that they would succeed was to burn their boats as soon as they landed. 

Without a means of escape, victory was the only option. 

But what I'm starting to learn is that in our context the idea of "burning your boats" doesn't mean that you have no Plan B, it simply means that you let go of all of the baggage and junk that keeps you from making Plan A happen. 

Sometimes it's good to have a Plan B---it doesn't mean that you can't be courageous, bold and creative.  

We should always do our best to plan and prepare for the changes in life, big decisions we have to make, the new things we're being called into... but we should also be ready to jump when the time comes, free from all of our baggage. 

May this be true for you today and always, and may the grace and peace of Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.


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