Be In Community

This week the Daily Devos are going to be focused on one very simple idea:  Changed people can change the world.  In other words, if you want to change the world, the change you seek needs to begin in you.  

Each day this week, we're going to be exploring practical ways that we can open ourselves up to the transforming power of God in your life.  I hope that these devos will become action items in your life, as I will be striving to make them in mine.  

Today we're going to be addressing the kind of action item that seems simple on the surface but is actually a lot more complicated and messy than most of like to admit:  Be in community. 

Essentially, if we make the effort to be in community with others--to find a group of people to "do life with," to rely upon during tough times, to lift us up when we are flagging or failing--it will change us for the better.  

To begin, we will discover more about who we are, and who we are being called to be in community with others than we would on our own.  Sure, Jesus had a lot of moments when he needed some solitude, but he also had more moments when he ate, traveled, shared and spent time with friends and followers.  

In fact, Jesus longed for unity among his followers for that very reason.  He wanted them to be connected, to share, to stick together through thick and thin.  He knew that there would be debates, and disagreements aplenty, but in the end he wanted them to know that his spiritual presence was more fully experienced when they were together.  

Do you have a community that you can claim and that claims you in return?  For some of us, our community is an offshoot of our church.  For others, it's a close set of friends who we trust implicitly.  

Regardless, if you want to experience world-changing transformation, its best experienced with others.  Find your people.  Find your squad.  If you don't have a church, try one on for size, and see if the community you are seeking is within.  I bet it could be.  

If you are in Austin, TX I can think of a pretty flipping awesome one to attend, just saying.  

May you remember that we are all better together.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  


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