Maintaining An Attitude of Gratitude - Day Four

Today I'm going to practice what I preach and share some of the things I'm grateful for as I seek to maintain an attitude of gratitude!  

At my house this morning, the turkey is already in the oven, and the smells of our traditional Thanksgiving dishes are filling the air.  

Jacob, our youngest boy, has been up since 8AM and has been clamoring for waffles for the last half hour in between playing video games, sitting by the fireplace and running around the house chasing the cat.  

My middle son is still in bed--I'm going to be awakening him in a while to do some chores, which will be accompanied by a litany of grumbling and moaning.  But later, he and I will inevitably watch football together, and he'll be my partner in crime as we tackle the pecan pie. 

My oldest son and his new wife will be joining us as well--their first Thanksgiving as a married couple.  I have come to appreciate my son so much and I see him blossoming into a good man right before my eyes.  And my daughter-in-law---is amazing.  Seriously.  We won the lottery when she became part of our family.  

My dad has been struggling with his health and is home at last after a long hospital stay.  He's not going to be able to join in the big feast that is being prepared because of his illness, but he's here... with us, and he almost wasn't.  

Merideth, my bride for the last 27 years, is working her magic in the kitchen---showing her love for her family by serving them.  We've been at this a long time, but celebrating this wonderful day never gets old with her.  I can honestly say, I've never been more in love with her, and that's something I can say each and every day.  

And one of our good friends is with us this morning--spending the week with us in all of our crazy pre-holiday preparations, sitting by the fire at night sipping tea, and now chopping vegetables in the kitchen---throwing herself into this awesomeness with us.  

I'm grateful for so many things this morning.  I'm so grateful for my incredible church, and the fantastic staff that I get to serve alongside.  I am thankful for my community, my kids' schools and the wonderful teachers who guide them.  

I'm grateful to live in a caring neighborhood where I know my neighbors and we do more than merely wave at each other. And I'm grateful for friends and family from all over--I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.  

And I am grateful that I get to speak to you all each and every day.  Thank you for the privilege of being able to share my thoughts and reflections with you.  It's a privilege that I don't take for granted. 

May you take a few moments today to reflect on all that you are thankful for.  May you be filled with gratitude for the many ways God has covered you in grace and peace, gifted you with friends and family, surrounded you with love.  

And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  


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