God Draws You Close

Sixteen years ago today, on September 11, 2001, the world was forever changed by an unspeakable act of terrorism and violence.  

I remember parts of that day clearly, but most of my memories are less about the details of the day, and more about how I felt in the moment.  The feelings of disbelief and horror... the sorrow and loss... it was all overwhelming.  

At some point during that morning, my wife Merideth and I decided that we needed to get my son from school.  He was six years old at the time--a first grader.  I don't really remember how we decided it, but it felt right to get him out of class and take him home with us.  

When the world feels like its falling apart, you want your loved ones close to you--particularly your children, no matter how old they are.  

When the winds of Hurricane Harvey began to howl through Texas, I took a lot of comfort in knowing that all my boys were under one roof together with us.  My greatest desire was to have them close when the storm came.  

Last night I saw so many of my friends in Florida posting Facebook posts and texts of their children and families gathered together to ride out Hurricane Irma.  One friend posted a photo of her son sleeping peacefully in a pile of blankets in the kitchen pantry.  She'd had a sleepless night from the howling winds, but her child rested, oblivious to the storm.  

I was reading today in the second chapter of Hebrews where the writer speaks of how through Jesus God became like us "in every way."  

Like a loving parent, God desired intimacy and closeness with us so much that he took on flesh and walked among us, moved into our neighborhood, drew us closer than ever before in order to demonstrate God's great love for us.  

May you feel the intimacy and love of God today and every day.  May you know that even during the worst moments of your life, God's desire is to draw you close and be with you in the midst of it.  

Let this knowledge give you hope and peace.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen. 


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