
I was listening to NPR this morning and heard a story about an Uber driver in St. Petersburg, FL who saved a suicidal man's life.  

Chad Farley, an Uber driver from Gulfport, FL was about to call it a night when he felt a strong urge to accept one more fare.  He became alarmed when he realized the passenger had asked to be driven to the highest point of the Sunshine Skyway bridge, which is one of the top spots in Florida where people commit suicide.  

According to the Tampa Bay Times, "Farley chatted up the passenger, learned he had brain cancer, prayed with the man, held his hand — even snapped a photo of them smiling together before dropping him off at the rest stop to the north of the bridge." 

Farley immediately called 911.  Florida Highway Patrol officers responded, and ended up rescuing the man from drowning himself in the Gulf.  

When asked about the incident, Farley reported that it was by "divine appointment" that he encountered the young man that night.  He essentially surrendered to what he felt God might be doing in the moment, and because of his surrender, he saved a life.  

I needed this story today.  

I needed to be reminded that there are lots of people out there in the world, who are trying to listen to God, trying to do what is pure, good, lovely and beautiful.  

I needed to be reminded that inch by inch God is reconciling Creation to himself through the Risen Christ. 

I also needed to be reminded that those inches add up, and in spite of all evidence to the contrary---God is getting what God wants... one inch, one moment, one life at a time. 

So go out into the world today, and look for the beauty and the goodness.  Join God in what God is doing in the world to make this world right.  Be a force for positive change, radical kindness, and unconditional love.  

And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen. 


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