A Eulogy

Today I'll be attending the funeral of my wife Merideth's uncle, Senator Richard Langley.  

Senator Langley was a larger than life figure, in his beloved Lake County, Florida, but he made an indelible imprint on the entire state of Florida during his years of service in the Florida House of Representatives and the Senate. 

He lived his entire life to the fullest---wringing the most out of every single day, and leaving an incredible legacy to his children and grandchildren. 

He was also a man of faith, who spent a lifetime wrestling with Scripture, examining his beliefs and fully and completely placing his trust in God as he did his best to follow Jesus. 

Although he and I approached our faith from different perspectives, I know for a fact that he prayed for me and my ministry, and I will always be grateful for the gift of his prayers. 

The role that Senator Langley played in my wife Merideth's life, however, is the one that was most dear to me.  To her he was "Uncle Dick," and for the past several years he worked alongside her as an attorney in her firm, which now bears his name next to hers.  

Merideth's Uncle Dick is the reason she became an attorney, having grown up interning in his office, listening to his stories and being inspired by his love of the law.  She also was a witness to his quiet generosity, the kindness and charity work that he did without fanfare, away from the limelight. 

Senator Langley was proud of Merideth---for her success as a lawyer, but more importantly because she is a great woman of faith, character and goodness.  I am certain it gave him great joy to know he was an integral part of her growth both in business and in life.  

While I know that Merideth is feeling the loss of her uncle deeply, I also know that we can take great comfort in the knowledge that he is at peace because he is now one with God---where there is no more pain, suffering, sickness or death.  

I've always loved this verse from the book of Revelation, which offers us these incredible words of comfort during times of loss:  

Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them."

If you are feeling the loss of someone close to you today, take comfort in the hope of the Resurrection.  God is with you in your loss, and offers an incredible vision of a future filled with newness and life.  

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen. 


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