10 Years

A little animated video showed up in my Facebook feed this morning, informing me that I have now been on Facebook for 10 years.  I first joined on June 20, 2007. 

Ten years ago, I was not yet 40 years old, and had just stepped into the role of interim pastor of the church were I had been ordained as an associate.  

Merideth and I were praying fervently about whether God was calling us to leave Florida or to stay.  

My oldest son Jay was in seventh grade at the time, and his brother Jackson had just turned two. My youngest son Jacob was not yet a twinkle in anyone's eye.  

A lot has happened in those ten years.  And as I look back on it all, I am overwhelmed by the unbelievably complicated, intricate way in which God has been at work in my life throughout the last decade. 

It's dizzying to think of all of the winding paths I've taken, the circumstances that just fell into place, the too-perfect coincidences that have been a part of my journey in stumbling after Jesus.  

It hasn't always been easy, but it has been incredible.  

And through it all, I have been so unbelievably blessed to play my small part working and laboring so that the kingdom of God can be seen here on earth.  

I was reading in Paul's letter to the Ephesians this morning, and came across a familiar verse.  In Ephesians 2:10, Paul writes, "God has made us what we are.  In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing."  

May you find great joy today in the fact that God is at work in your life---moving you, shaping you and guiding you to the good works that God planned for you since the beginning of all things.  

May you look back on your journey and take courage, because the same God who has been with you all along, will be with you until your journey's end.  

And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen. 


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