She Is Worth More Than Diamonds (Way More)

Today is my wife Merideth's birthday, which ought to be a national holiday as far as I am concerned.  The other day someone told me that I had most assuredly and without any question married "up."  I couldn't agree more.  

Almost every single day I sit down to write these devotions, Merideth is either sitting across from me at our shared desk, or she's somewhere ready to read them, and offer her praise or her advice.  And the ones that didn't have a typo or a grammatical error... Well, Merideth most likely proofread those.

This will undoubtedly embarrass her. But this is her birthday, and other than our anniversary (which is in three days) it is one of the most important days of the year to me. So, I am going to share.  

In Proverbs 31 there is a description of a woman from the ancient Near East, "a good wife," who is "worth more than diamonds," according to the ancient text.  

This woman  demonstrates all of the finest qualities a woman in those ancient times might possess. She  buys property, runs her own business, manages her household and employees.  She takes care of her children and builds her husband up publicly in front of his associates and friends.  

I've heard Proverbs 31 get twisted and abused far too many times in an attempt to silence Christian women, to relegate them to lesser roles in society, church and the family.  What a terrible interpretation!  

The way I see it, the Proverbs 31 woman is a warrior, a fierce defender of her family, a businesswoman, a leader, and a partner with her husband.  That guy and I have a lot in common.  We both married up--way up.  

Can I tell that you there are a hundred little things that Merideth does every single day to make our home brighter and our family stronger?  On top of that, every day she strives not only to further the kingdom of God but also to help build me up in my ministry.  

No one typically sees these quiet meaningful moments.  Merideth prefers it that way.  She doesn't crave the limelight--only the love of her husband and the affirmation of her God.  

And don't even get me started on all of the uplifting conversations she has with people in need.  Then there are all of the notes, cards, emails, texts, phone calls that she sends and makes right when the people hearing or receiving them need a word of encouragement, a sympathetic ear or a discerning heart. 

I hope you all will indulge me a bit on this.  As you have probably come to know by now, (if you've been reading these awhile) I often write about what I am feeling in the moment or experiencing on a given day.  

For the record, what I am feeling today is deep and abiding love for my soul-mate, best friend, traveling companion and the love of my life.  And what I am experiencing is intense gratitude that God saw fit to let us find one another all those twenty five years ago.  

Happy Birthday, Merideth.  

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, my love... and with all of God's children today and every day.  Amen.  


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