Moving Day, Trust & Comfort Zones

The Daily Devos will be a bit sporadic this week--as I'll be en route to Austin Texas as of this evening!  I'll be doing my best to keep up with them during this transition, but I expect that it won't be until next week that we'll be back on a regular schedule (As if anything in our family was "regular"!).  

Today is moving day--my last day in Central Florida for what could be a long while.  We'll be driving away today for what will be a two day trip for us (with a one-night stopover in Tallahassee and another in New Orleans) to our new home in Austin Texas.  

My house is full of boxes and most of the rooms are already empty.  The moving company got everything packed over the last two days and over half of my worldly goods are already loaded on to a truck.  They just called to let us know that they are on their way to finish the job this morning. 

It's strange to be moving again---so soon after we moved into this house. As everything was being dismantled and packed away, I couldn't help but reflect on all of the hours that we spent setting this house up just the way we wanted.  It was a labor of love, and we've enjoyed every moment that we've lived here.  

But, as my wife and I have reminded one another more than once through this process--all of this is just stuff.  We've loved this house, but this isn't the first house we've loved, and it won't be the last either.  

During our early morning coffee run today, I looked over at Merideth and she smiled as she said, "This is so exciting!  A new adventure in a new place!"  We've lived most of our lives within a twenty-six mile radius from where I am writing this.  It's comfortable for us. We know what to expect here for the most part. 

But, I've spent more than a few sermons over the past eleven-plus years on the topic of leaping in faith, and trusting God to catch you.  I've urged my congregations to not allow themselves to become complacent, and to never be afraid to step out of their comfort zones.  

This whole move has been an exercise in practicing what I've preached, and I've learned something in the process:  I was preaching some pretty good stuff.  There's something exhilarating about leaving behind things that you valued and loved, and trusting there are amazing and wonderful things ahead.  

I feel my faith being strengthened as I've had to trust more, hope more and believe that God is in control more than ever.  I feel a deep sense of joy in knowing that I don't know the way ahead exactly, but I do know the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  

Proverbs 3:5-6 teaches this important lesson: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight..."  

May you discover new ways to trust God with your future.  May you find yourself being edged out of your comfort zone into the margins where your faith is tested and your ability to trust is stretched.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen. 


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