Reflections on Returning to A House Full of Blessings

When my wife Merideth and I returned from our extended vacation we reflected on some things that I've been pondering since.  

First, the journey home was long and tiring, which I am convinced is some sort of Divine design regarding the end of vacations.  By the time you get home after an arduous journey back, you are so ready to be there--despite the fact that mere days before you might have entertained thoughts of staying on vacation forever. 

We had to make our way through customs and passport control of two European countries, nearly fourteen hours of flights, and an overnight stay in a fairly awful hotel before arriving in Florida to endure the customs system of the always crazy-busy Orlando airport. 

By the time we made it back to our car and started driving away--the urge to get home was so powerful we both were nearly shaking with anticipation (or overworked nerves).  

Since we've returned from being away for three weeks in the last month, we've reflected more than once on the things that matter to us most, and even the little things that help to remind us of what matters most.  

We reveled in being able to eat dinner with our kids and to listen to the stories describing their day.  We were overjoyed to see our dog, who was overjoyed to see us.  We slid into our own bed with our familiar pillows and those sheets that feel just right.  

Also, we started eating better, minding our health and making plans to get back into the gym.  We sorted our bills and began the process of examining our post-vacation finances. 

And we went back to work, which also felt right and good.  

Since that time we've had the chance to reflect on how blessed we are, and how amazing it is to have so many things to be thankful for--both in our "goings and our comings," as the Bible says.  

We loved being able to explore new things, but we are also immeasurably blessed by what is familiar and wonderful about home, work and family.  And all of it worked to help us be renewed and restored for the tasks ahead.  

I am reminded of a blessing to the Corinthian church by the Apostle Paul when he wrote: 

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Cor 9:8)

May you discover anew the blessings that are all around you right now, right where you are.  May you find the energy and imagination to look out into the world for new blessings that await you "out there."  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always.  Amen. 


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