
At one point I sort of envisioned that this blog would be a place where I was able to pour out bite sized nuggets of life lessons and theological reflections that occurred to me from time to time.  It became a repository for a lot of book reviews (which I am hopelessly behind on doing---I think I have like 20 or more to review, which is daunting to say the least) and my sermon blog. 

Not that these are bad things to write about...  I just seem to find myself behind the eight ball more often than not, especially of late. 

With all of the demands of being the Senior (and only) pastor of a large congregation, a husband, and the  father to three boys I've discovered that I don't have a lot of time for creating bite-sized nuggets of life lessons, theological reflections or even book reviews. 

On top of everything else, I am going back to school to work on my doctor of ministry and I have a couple of papers to write beforehand. 

So why am I telling you all of this? 

Here's why:  I'm rededicating myself to some things.  In fact, I'm rededicating myself to some of the most important things---my relationship with Jesus, my marriage, my kids & family, my role as a pastor, my efforts to study and to learn more about God's Word...

And to this space. 

I want to return to my original intent for this blog: to chronicle my journey as a husband, a father, a pastor, a Christ-follower and now as a doctoral student. 

So bear with me.  There will be an onslaught of book reviews, reflections on life, ministry, faith and other assorted awesomeness in the coming weeks and months.

I've got some catching up to do.


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