"What Difference Do It Make? Stories of Hope and Healing" is the fantastic follow-up by Ron Hall & Denver Moore (with Lynn Vincent) to the wonderful book, "Same Kind of Different As Me," which became something of a phenomenon in 2006.  Hall & Moore essentially pick up their unbelievable story where "Same Kind of Different" left off.  Hall, an international art dealer, whose life and marriage were extraordinarily out of balance, met Moore, who was a homeless man living in Fort Worth, at a homeless shelter where Hall's wife Deborah had insisted they serve together.  Their unlikely friendship--Hall, a white millionaire and Moore, a poor black man--was further forged in the fires of the loss of Hall's wife Deborah to cancer.  "What Difference Do It Make?" includes stories of those who were affected by Hall and Moore's story, and who were compelled to make a difference to stamp out racism, homelessness and to practice reconciliation in their corner of God's creation.  It's a great sequel that stands alone in its own right--complete with crib notes from the first book for new readers.  I highly recommend it.


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